The step-by-step program for coaches who want to build a unique framework AND stand out in their niche.

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($497.00)$497.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $197.00)3x $197.00

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Framework Builder Lab In Rerum Aperiam Quibusdam$0

What’s included:

Framework Builder Lab (w/Lifetime Access)

Super Bonus: Perfect Program Map

Super Bonus: Framework Graphic Templates

LIVE Bonus: 6 Live Coaching Calls + Community

LIVE Bonus: Coaching Session Blueprint

LIVE Bonus: Personal Framework Audit

  • Total payment
  • 1xFramework Builder Lab 2025$0

All prices in USD

Thank you! It's really exciting. Your framework making sense to me is really inspiring me to be the type of coach with a framework! I want people to feel the way I feel about the lab after and during working with me. And I don’t say that lightly. It’s been very insightful.

CEO / Founder

Friday, I booked my first cold client for a 6-month, $5k coaching container, and I credit it to the work I’ve been doing with Amanda on my framework! Up until now, I’ve been able to use a ‘loose framework’ and get great results with clients that already trusted me. I am certain that having a more structured framework, even though I don’t have it fully developed yet, allowed me to show up to the consult with this potential client with more confidence, and THAT allowed her to say yes to investing in coaching with me at this level!

CEO / Founder

Honestly, the time I spent yesterday on Module 1 probably saved me two years of trial, error, confusion, and absolute frustration. THANK YOU for paving the way! All of Module 1 was fantastic.


"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder